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Bowens SSR MK II Flash Meter - Accessory

Bowens SSR MK II Flash Meter - Accessory

Flash meter manufactured by Bowens in England. The meter has an IR trigger and sync port for firing the flash. Other features include a 'recall' button, and a three-step switch for shutter speed and range. Plastic construction in black and silver finish.

  • ISO range: 25 to 3200
  • Size: 160 x 78mm
  • Weigth: 180g (w/o batteries)
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Bowens SSR MK II Flash Meter - Accessory Saatavuus & hintahistoria
Myyntipäivä SKU Kuntoluokitus Hinta Tuotekuva
Saatavilla T12146 641 kr Bowens SSR MK II Flash Meter
28 May 2024 T62567 € 65 Bowens SSR MK II Flash Meter - Accessory Image