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Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens

Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens

Manual focus normal lens made for FD-mount SLRs by Canon introduced in 1973. Earlier versions have metal aperture rings and a green "O" for the automatic mode, whereas later models use plastic rings and a green "A". The original price (16,500 Yen) is equal to ~290 Euros in 2023. Metal/plastic body available in black.

  • Canon 50mm f1.8 FD S.C. (6 elements, 4 groups)
  • Minimum focus distance: 0.6m
  • Aperture blades: 6 (Mk I), 5 (Mk II)
  • Size: 66 x 56 mm
  • Weight: 254g
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Canon FD

Canon FD-järjestelmä julkaistiin vuonna 1971 ja se esiteltiin paranneltuna Canon FL-järjestelmänä. Canon FD-bajonetti on rakenteeltaan ainutlaatuinen. FD-bajonetissa on urospuolinen kiinnitys rungossa, kun taas objektiivissa on ”takalukkomekanismi” (breech-lock), joka kiinnittyy kameraan.

Toisen sukupolven FD-objektiivit, jotka julkaistiin vuonna 1979 nimettiin ”New FD” tai FDn -objektiiveiksi. Ne kiinnittyvät kuten tavalliset bajonettikiinnitteiset objektiivit, mutta ovat kuitenkin myös yhteensopivia vanhojen FD-lisätarvikkeiden ja -runkojen kanssa. Yksi FD-bajonetin parannuksista FL:ään verrattuna oli automaattisesti himmentävä aukkomekanismi, jonka myötä käyttäjä voi tarkentaa aukon ollessa täysin auki, mutta kuvaa ottaessa kamera himmentää automaattisesti.

Canon FD -järjestelmässä oli laaja valikoima objektiiveja – aina 7,5 mm kalansilmästä 1200 mm superteleen saakka. Kokonaisuudessaan yli 20 tuotantovuoden aikana Canon julkaisi 134 erilaista FD-bajonetin objektiivia. Yksi FD-järjestelmän suosituimmista kameroista on Canon AE-1 (Program), jota myytiin reilusti yli miljoona kappaletta 70- ja 80-luvuilla.

Nykyään Canon FD-objektiivit ovat saavuttaneet uudelleen suosiota peilittömien digitaalisten kameroiden yleistyessä, sillä adapterien ansiosta FD-objektiivit ovat helposti sovitettavissa useimpiin nykyajan peilittömiin kameroihin. Lisäksi FD-objektiiveja on saatavilla varsin kohtuulliseen hintaan.

Kaiken kaikkiaan FD-järjestelmä on erittäin houkutteleva vaihtoehto filmikuvaajille, jotka vaativat korkeinta optista laatua.

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Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Saatavuus & hintahistoria
Myyntipäivä SKU Kuntoluokitus Hinta Tuotekuva
Saatavilla T41246 350 kr Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C.
Saatavilla T77312 222 kr Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C.
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31 Jul 2024 T61801 € 20 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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28 May 2024 E21068 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
07 May 2024 E21036 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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27 Apr 2024 T67832 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
27 Apr 2024 T67833 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
27 Apr 2024 T68075 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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24 Apr 2024 T67836 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
23 Apr 2024 T68055 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
23 Apr 2024 T67831 € 20 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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01 Apr 2024 T47880 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
01 Apr 2024 T48694 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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01 Apr 2024 T50049 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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01 Apr 2024 T62179 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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01 Apr 2024 T61827 € 19 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
01 Apr 2024 T61829 € 19 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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01 Apr 2024 T62181 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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27 Feb 2024 T62192 € 20 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
15 Feb 2024 T62195 € 10 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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22 Dec 2023 T57353 € 20 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
08 Dec 2023 T55460 € 30 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
02 Dec 2023 T57854 € 20 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
01 Dec 2023 T47782 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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24 Nov 2023 T57687 € 20 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
14 Nov 2023 T46544 € 13 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
13 Nov 2023 T56069 € 20 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
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10 Sep 2023 T51303 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
07 Sep 2023 T50030 € 10 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
28 Aug 2023 T51214 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
01 Aug 2023 T48954 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
27 Jul 2023 T48800 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
25 Jul 2023 T47253 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
24 Jul 2023 T48479 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
17 Jul 2023 T47613 € 15 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
15 Jul 2023 T40309 € 30 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
12 Jun 2023 T44414 € 59 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
22 May 2023 T43249 € 85 Ei kuvaa saatavilla
19 May 2023 T41854 € 25 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
01 Apr 2023 T39874 € 99 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
07 Mar 2023 T38108 € 75 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
01 Mar 2023 T19467 € 55 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
22 Feb 2023 T37167 € 25 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
08 Feb 2023 T36980 € 39 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
29 Jan 2023 T36324 € 87 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
19 Jan 2023 T24144 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
04 Jan 2023 T33324 € 39 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
03 Jan 2023 T32341 € 39 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
28 Dec 2022 T21313 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
23 Dec 2022 T21164 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
20 Dec 2022 T22967 € 65 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
20 Dec 2022 T30165 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
18 Dec 2022 T21134 € 99 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
16 Dec 2022 T24472 € 79 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
12 Dec 2022 T19948 € 139 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
09 Dec 2022 T19943 € 140 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
08 Dec 2022 T26111 € 62 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
04 Dec 2022 T23125 € 99 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
28 Nov 2022 T32218 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
26 Nov 2022 T25127 € 59 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
21 Nov 2022 T26115 € 79 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
14 Nov 2022 T23270 € 99 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
02 Nov 2022 T26114 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
22 Oct 2022 T19177 € 99 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
10 Oct 2022 T23321 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
08 Sep 2022 T23224 € 50 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
18 Aug 2022 T20842 € 99 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
13 Aug 2022 T16219 € 39 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
12 Aug 2022 T20896 € 99 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
11 Aug 2022 T15665 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
02 Aug 2022 T17358 € 65 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
23 Jul 2022 T19150 € 99 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
15 Jul 2022 T20000 € 49 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
04 Jul 2022 T18376 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
17 Jun 2022 T18099 € 55 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
13 Jun 2022 T14960 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
27 May 2022 A76543 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
10 May 2022 T12197 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
09 May 2022 A73327 € 79 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
05 May 2022 T12217 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
21 Apr 2022 T13746 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
15 Apr 2022 T13936 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
01 Apr 2022 T13737 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
27 Mar 2022 A76539 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
25 Mar 2022 T13246 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
21 Mar 2022 T12498 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
07 Mar 2022 T12659 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
17 Feb 2022 A76374 € 59 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
13 Feb 2022 T11409 € 99 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
02 Feb 2022 A76463 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
27 Jan 2022 A76255 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
25 Jan 2022 A76518 € 69 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
02 Jan 2022 A75953 € 88 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
31 Dec 2021 A73953 € 61 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
31 Dec 2021 A74841 € 70 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
28 Dec 2021 A71120 € 70 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
22 Dec 2021 T10335 € 89 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
16 Dec 2021 A74043 € 61 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image
16 Dec 2021 A76134 € 88 Canon 50mm f1.8 S.C. - Lens Image