easy120 Pre-Order

easy120-ennakkotilaukset ovat avoinna. Ensimmäisen toimituserän postitukset alkavat joulukuun puolivälissä. 15.11.2024 jälkeen tehtyjen tilausten postitukset alkavat tammikuussa 2025.

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easy120 35mm Holders

easy120 35mm Holders

Normaalihinta €67,00 EUR
Normaalihinta €75,00 EUR Alennushinta €67,00 EUR
Ale Loppuunmyyty
Sis. alv (tilausmaan mukaan).
Alin hinta ennen kampanjaa: €75,00 EUR (-11%)


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Product Description:

The easy120 cannot be used for film strips shorter than 160mm, or 4 standard frames. For scanning shorter strips, please refer to the easy35 and 360 systems.

The 35mm holder comes in two variants:

The easy120 35mm Standard Holder allows you to scan standard 35mm (135) film up to full-frame size. This holder is made to be tight and mask out the sprockets for maximum quality. Depending on the frame size of your camera, which can vary by 1-2mm, you might or might not have a black border around your frame.

Useable gate size: 38mm length, 25.70mm width

The easy120 35mm Panoramic Sprocket Holder allows you to scan panoramic frames up to 90mm length on 35mm (135) film. It has visible sprockets, so it can also be used for scanning normal 35mm frames with visible sprockets.

Useable gate size: 88mm length, 32.5mm width

The holders fits into the easy120 system just like any other compatible holder. The holder is conveniently replaced using the new holder lock mechanism.

Similar to the VALOI 35mm Holder for our 360 system, the easy120 35mm holders are:

  • Designed for maximal flatness with a double S-curved track that mechanically flattens the film
  • Prevents reflections: Matte black plastic and strategic anti-reflection angles
  • Quick-advance system: Push or pull film through, no fiddling with traditional clam-shell designs
  • Minimises vignetting on the edges with a bevelled design under the film
  • Optimised for full rolls - it will work with cut strips but flatness may vary

In use

VALOI easy120 holders work by passing the film through a thin slit passing through the whole holder and out on the other side. This way, you can conveniently push or pull the film through all the way, saving you time and effort compared to a traditional clam shell holder.

All VALOI holders employ a double-S curve design, where the slit that the film is passed through curves before and after the scanning gate. By bending the film slightly in one direction on both sides of the film, greater flatness is achieved than would be possible with a straight slit.

Holder Lock Mechanism

The easy120 unit's metal housing features a spring-loaded ball bearing system to secure the Film Holder. Inserting the Holder is as simple as pushing it until it clicks into place. This lock mechanism keeps the Holder secure while still allowing for easy, effortless removal. It ensures quick and precise operation without tools, providing an incredibly satisfying user experience.


It is compatible with all easy120 units. This holder is not compatible with the VALOI 360 system. Please see the available holders for that HERE.

easy120 Holders

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Täysi kontrolli


VALOI 360 on moderni vaihtoehto perinteiselle filmiskannaamiselle. Voit digitalisoida filminegatiivit helposti digikamerallasi. Tuotteemme mahdollistavat huippulaatuisen lopputuloksen – ja yli puolet nopeammin verrattuna perinteisiin tasoskannereihin.

Katso valikoima

Yksinkertainen on kaunista

VALOI easy35

easy35 on helppo ja kompakti ratkaisu 35mm filmiskannaamiseen. Voit unohtaa kopiojalustan tai monimutkaisen asennuksen – tarvitset vain digikameran ja makro-objektiivin.

Katso valikoima