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Olympus AZ-4 Zoom - Camera

Olympus AZ-4 Zoom - Camera

Olympus' attempt to imagine what the future would look like in camera design in the 1980s. It resulted in a specially shaped and bizarre looking compact camera that is not so compact though. The camera uses normal 35mm film and has quite a wide range of features, like auto and manual focus, manual exposure adjustment, exposure compensation and built-in flash. Also this camera appeared in the 1989 Batman movie!

  • 35-135mm zoom lens
  • Weight about 1000g
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Olympus AZ-4 Zoom - Camera Saatavuus & hintahistoria
Myyntipäivä SKU Kuntoluokitus Hinta Tuotekuva
23 May 2024 E21108 € 99,00 Olympus AZ-4 Zoom - Camera Image