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Hasselblad ArcBody + 45mm f4.5 APO-Grandagon + Focusing Screen Adapter + Reflex Viewfinder RMFX + Small, Medium, & Large Correction Slides + Cable Release + Centre Filter 4x & Holder

Hasselblad ArcBody + 45mm f4.5 APO-Grandagon + Focusing Screen Adapter + Reflex Viewfinder RMFX + Small, Medium, & Large Correction Slides + Cable Release + Centre Filter 4x & Holder

Film Camera

Normaalihinta 59 659 SEK
Normaalihinta Alennushinta 59 659 SEK
Ale Loppuunmyyty
Käytetty tuote, marginaaliverotusmenettely.
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Certified: Tuote on testattu ja tarkastettu erikoistyökaluja ja -laitteistoa käyttäen ja se toimii kuten pitääkin (tai tuote on käyttämätön ja alkuperäispakkauksessaan). Mahdolliset puutteet on kerrottu tuotekuvauksessa, eivätkä ne vaikuta tyypilliseen käyttöön.

The movements of the camera body are a bit squeaky but are otherwise working as intended. The lens has some minor marks in the coating that will not affect image quality. The whole it is otherwise in good working and cosmetic condition.

Manual focus 6x6 medium format technical camera introduced by Hasselblad in 1997. This was Hasselblads second technical bellows-type camera body, the first being the FlexBody. It is capable of producing shift and tilt movements for control of depth of field and converging lines. The significant change from the FlexBody to the Arcbody was the introduction of a special series of Rodenstock lenses with an image circle large enough to cover the movements provided by the Arcbody. The rear standard of the body produces up to 28mm of shift, and +/- 15 degrees of tilt. The Arcbody was sold together with a number of special dedicated accessories needed to operate the camera and lenses. Metal body available in black.

  • Size: 160 x 145 x 62mm
  • Weight: 513g

Manual focus wide angle lens made for the Hasselblad Archbody introduced by Hasselblad and manufactured by Rodenstock. It uses its own proprietary mount specifically for the Arcbody. It is part of a series of lenses designed to cover the large image circle needed to accommodate the movements of the camera body. Metal body available in black.

  • Rodenstock 45mm f4.5 APO-Grandagon
  • Minimum focus distance:0.5m
  • Aperture blades: 7
  • Shutter: Copal #00 26.3mm, 1s - 1/500s + B
  • Size: 84 x 57 mm
  • Weight: 464g

Focusing screen adapter made for the Arcbody camera system introduced by Hasselblad. It has an Acute Matte D screen with a grid pattern. It also has a built-in bubble level. Metal and plastic body available in black.

  • Size: 98 x 95 x 20 mm
  • Weight: 106g

Right angle reflex viewfinder made for V-system medium format cameras introduced by Hasselblad. Metal body available in black.

  • Size: 93 x 75 x 65 mm
  • Weight: 85g

Correction slide filter made for ArcBody cameras by Hasselblad. These correction slides improve viewing when using the focusing screen adapter (41057) but do not affect the final image. It uses an Acute Matte D focusing screen to make the adjustment. Plastic body available in black.

  • Size: 105 x 64 x 4 mm
  • Weight: 20g

Correction slide filter made for ArcBody cameras by Hasselblad. These correction slides improve viewing when using the focusing screen adapter (41057) but do not affect the final image. It uses an Acute Matte D focusing screen to make the adjustment. Plastic body available in black.

  • Size: 105 x 64 x 4 mm
  • Weight: 16g

Correction slide filter made for ArcBody cameras by Hasselblad. These correction slides improve viewing when using the focusing screen adapter (41057) but do not affect the final image. It uses an Acute Matte D focusing screen to make the adjustment. Plastic body available in black.

  • Size: 105 x 64 x 4 mm
  • Weight: 16g

Cable release made for the Arcbody camera introduced by Hasselblad. It has a locking mechanism. Metal and rubber body available in red.

  • Length: 210 mm
  • Weight: 33g

Centre filter holder made for the Rodenstock Arcbody lenses introduced by Hasselblad. Metal body available in black.

  • Size: 99 x 12 mm
  • Weight: 37g

Center filter made for ArcBody lenses by Hasselblad. It darkens the center of the image to counteract light falloff. This filter is designed specifically for use with the APO-Grandagon 45mm f4.5. Metal body available in black.

  • Size: 80 x 7 mm
  • Weight: 46g

Carrying case made for the Hasseblad Arcbody introduced by Hasseblad. Plastic body available in black.

  • Size: 440 x 290 x 180 mm
  • Weight: 2835g

Kaikki kuvissa näkyvät lisävarusteet kuuluvat pakettiin. Kuvaamme jokaisen tuotteemme erikseen, joten saat juuri sen tuotteen, joka kuvassa näkyy.

Tällä tuotteella (Hasselblad ArcBody + 45mm f4.5 APO-Grandagon + Focusing Screen Adapter + Reflex Viewfinder RMFX + Small, Medium, & Large Correction Slides + Cable Release + Centre Filter 4x & Holder):

  • 30 päivän palautusoikeus
  • 6 kuukauden takuu

Meiltä löytyy maailmanluokan tietotaito kameratavaran tarkastamisessa, kunnostamisessa ja korjaamisessa. Siispä huoli pois – korjaamme, vaihdamme tai hyvitämme tuotteen sinulle, jos siinä ilmenee mitään ongelmia. Lue lisää: Takuuehdot & Palautukset.

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    • 6 tai jopa 12 kuukauden takuu
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