Film Vending Machine

film vending machine

Vending Machine is Up and Running!

Our film vending machine is located in Tampere, at our office at Erkkilänkatu 11, in the lobby of B-staircase of the PMK building.

There is also a film return mailbox next to the machine. You can now purchase the film directly from the vending machine during the building's opening hours (Mon-Fri 6.30–20, Sat 8-17). The machine supports contactless payments only.

Film Prices

Film Type Film Name Price (€)
35mm Foma Fomapan 400 6,20
Ilford FP4+ 125 11,90
Ilford HP5+ 400 11,90
SantaColor 100 13,90
Kodak ColorPlus 200 12,90
Kodak Ultramax 400 15,50
Kodak Pro Image 100 16,50
Kodak Portra 400 21,90
120 Ilford HP5+ 400 9,90
Kodak Gold 200 12,90


Didn't find your favourite film? Share your dreams and hopes with us:

( 503)
Tested & inspected with special tools and machinery. Working correctly after professional repair or service. Any flaws present will be noted and will not affect typical use.
( 3087)
Tested & inspected with special tools and machinery, found to be working correctly (or unused in original packaging). Any flaws present will be noted and will not affect typical use.
( 8182)
Tested & inspected by hand, special machinery not required. Found to be working correctly. Any flaws present will be noted and will not affect typical use.
Not Passed
( 2008 )
Untested or tested, inspected, and found to have flaws that will affect typical use. Recommended for decoration, projects, or use with special considerations.